Create a team in Microsoft Teams

Author: OfficeSupport    Posted: 13 May 2020   Viewed: 2114 times   Tags: #Windows 10  #MS teams 

Create a team from Desktop

1. On the left side of Teams, click Teams, at the bottom of the teams list, click Join or create a team, and then click Create a new team.

2. Once you`ve created the team, invite people to join it. You can add individual users, groups, and even entire contact groups (formerly known as "distribution lists").

3. Add a team owner

4. Find the team that you created, click More options ˙˙˙ > Manage team. Then go to the Members tab. Find the people you want to designate as team owners. Under Role, click Owner. Create a channel

Note: Your organization can restrict who can create teams. If you can`t create a team or need to turn off team creation, check with your IT admin.

Create a team from Mobile

1. Tap Teams at the bottom of the app, then  in the top right corner. This will bring you to the Manage teams page.

2. Tap + to create a new team

3. Name the team, add a description, and choose its privacy level and data classification.

Invite people or even entire contact groups to join your new team.

Notes: Your organization can restrict who can create teams. If you can`t create a team or need to turn off team creation, check with your IT admin. If you`re a global administrator, consider creating an org-wide team that automatically adds everyone in your organization.