Ran into problems sending mail. Error: 534 5.7.14 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754 9-200

Author: mail    Posted: 21 May 2022   Viewed: 2109 times   Tag: #Outlook 

Set up IMAP and SMTP from other mail clients, receive the following error :

Ran into problems sending mail. Error: 534 5.7.14 https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754 9 20020a170906004900b006f3ef214db5sm4006429ejg.27 - gsmtp

1. Turn On less secure apps to access your account

Google Account -> Security -> less secure apps -> turn on

2. Open this link in the browser : accounts.google.com

go to "https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha" -> Click continue 

3. Test the Gmail client setup again